The QuickBlade/Serie V wiper blade fits top of the range models from Volvo and Lincoln. With its washer and heater spray function, it ensures a highly superior cleaning power.
The wipers are equipped with 64 laser-cut perforations. The spray system distributes the washer fluid over the entire length of the wiper blade.
The benefits of having a washer spray closer (+/- 1 inch) between the windshield wiper and the windshield increase the control and performance of wiping at low and high speeds during the winter and the other seasons.
In addition, the windscreen wiper has a heating element system.
Snow and ice don't build up on the wipers, meaning they stay flexible and efficient at all times.

QBW18AB (18")
QBW19AB (19")
QBW20AB (20")
QBW22AB (22")
QBW26AB (26")
Unitary / Box of 10 / Case of 50
We ship anywhere in Canada within 24 hours.